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Structured there really such a thing?  Yes there is and this is how you can achieve the physique of your dreams and still enjoy the foods that you love.  This is what has worked for me, to help me hit my goals but never feel deprived.  I have so many “macro hacks” to share...eating clean and healthy doesn't have to be boring, tasteless or difficult.


My trifecta for success whether it be for weight loss, muscle building or both is a focus on food flexibility including macronutrients, protein pacing and when appropriate, intermittent fasting.



That’s simply healthy eating-speak for maintaining a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats — the three macronutrients that comprise your diet and bring something important to your healthy routine to help us hit our goals and stay healthy. Macronutrient tracking is attractive to many people because it is not restrictive and we can play a little with the food we love along with food that is good and nutritious for our bodies. 

Protein Pacing 

Protein pacing is the scientifically proven combination of eating healthy, lean, protein rich foods at the right time to maximize health and performance. Simply put protein pacing calls for consuming a calculated amount of daily protein spread evenly across 5-6 meals per day. Consuming protein throughout the day in an amount your body can use efficiently helps:

  • to stimulate muscle protein synthesis thereby building lean muscle even during weight loss

  • to stimulate your metabolism helping to lose weight and build muscle when combined with resistance training

  • you to feel full and manage your appetite i.e. kill cravings

Intermittent Fasting refers to any diet that cycles between periods of fasting and eating for a predetermined period of time. This is a conscious deprivation of food for other health benefits. This is not starvation. It is an effective flexible way to reduce total caloric consumption and can be much easier than trying to stick to a traditional reduced calorie diet. Even athletes, not looking to lose weight, can benefit from intermittent fasting.


Health Benefits of IF

  1. Weight loss 

  2. Lower risk of type 2 diabetes 

  3. Fights inflammation

  4. Promotes cardiovascular health

  5. Induces autography the natural regeneration process that occurs at a cellular level in the body

  6. Increased Human Growth Hormone


The Tasty Cookbook 


In "The Tasty Cookbook" Tammy offers healthy recipes that are delicious. Clean eating doesn't have to be difficult, boring or tasteless. From her experience as a competitive bodybuilder she has found options to reduce fat, add flavor and save time by planning ahead and preparing. From breakfast options to snacks and main meals to sweets there is something for everyone looking to lose weight and improve their health and energy. Macronutrients are included with each recipe. 


Coming Soon!!!

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